Dignity for cancer patients is my wish for the Apple billions

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in our community so there can’t be many people who haven’t had some personal experience of this disease. I doubt there is a person alive who hasn’t lost a friend or relative to cancer.

So, you would imagine with it being so common and so destructive that every available resource would be thrown at it to tackle the damn thing.

That’s not the case in this country though but then again, I shouldn’t be surprised because our politicians, regardless of party affiliations, have plenty of experience of getting things wrong.

The new children’s hospital is one example. It’s been under construction for seven years with a seemingly endless budget and not a single child has been treated there yet. We have a homeless crisis, a housing shortage, a broken health service, and a struggling police service but we can still manage to build a bicycle shelter at a cost in excess of three hundred thousand Euro.

In the meantime, while they faff about in the Dail blaming each other for all the shortcomings, cancer patients are being let down on two fronts. Firstly, in terms of early detection and early treatment and secondly, at the other end of the scale in terms of care for end-of-life patients.

According to the Irish Examiner, The Irish Cancer Society’s helpline has received a large volume of calls from cancer patients who cannot access life-saving radiation therapy. As many as 60% of cancer patients are likely to need radiation therapy, but they’re “falling through the gaps” due to under-investment.

The National Cancer Strategy says people should start radiotherapy within 15 days but almost 40% of patients are not getting access within the recommended timeframe which could lead to poorer results for patients. 

We’re constantly being reminded by the experts that early detection and early treatment is essential in treating cancer, but that’s not the case for everyone and far too many are being let down.

Many patients nearing the end of life are also being let down. Dr Karie Dennehy, Palliative Medicine Consultant, Marymount University Hospital and Hospice and Cork University Hospital, said recently that palliative care is everyone’s business.

Dr. Dennehy is spot on. It is everyone’s business, and we don’t realise the value of it until we need the service. Then we learn very quickly, and I for one can’t speak highly enough about the Marymount organisation and their palliative care teams.

When my father was dying of cancer, he wanted to spend his last days at home. As a family, we were determined to make that happen and that would only change if a time came when we couldn’t provide the care he needed, or his suffering became too much.

It wasn’t easy. Anyone who has been through it with a loved one will be well aware of the difficulties involved. It’s frightening, confusing, stressful and uncertain. The medical professionals can give a reasonable estimate of when the end is likely to come, but they can never be precise and there is a practical concern attached to that.

The most important thing is to ensure the patient doesn’t suffer and that was my biggest worry. I had heard the palliative care team could only allocate ten days care to each terminally ill patient, and I wasn’t qualified to determine when that ten-day period should start. What if I called them in too soon and we ran out of days?

It doesn’t work that way of course. The GP knew when to notify the palliative care team and he set the ball rolling. A member of the team called to the house and went through the process with us. When I told her of my biggest fear, she reassured me that they would never leave us in the lurch.

The palliative care team were absolutely fantastic from the moment they got involved, and the care they gave my dad was second to none. The night nurse moved in for his final few days and made sure he was comfortable right to the end. They are amazing people, and we would have really struggled to cope without them.

In this day and age, nobody should have to endure undue suffering at the end of their lives but unfortunately that’s not the case. Another story in the Irish Examiner highlighted the fact that many terminally ill cancer patients cannot afford to heat their homes and as a result they are enduring hardship in their final weeks or days in cold, damp houses.

One in three night nurses from the Irish Cancer Society who provide end-of-life care across the country have told how they have seen patients in homes without any heating and unable to keep their houses warm because of worries about energy bills.

At a time when the families of the terminally ill can be pushed into a financial crisis, three nurses in five reported how households struggled to pay bills such as mortgage, rent and utilities. Nearly one in two said there was no central heating in patients’ homes. Some patients were huddled in blankets and hot water bottles.

Cancer patients are more vulnerable to the cold. Patients’ home heating may also need to be kept on during the summer because of their frailty. Patients on cancer drugs can feel the cold more readily and because they are terminally ill their requirements are higher. Worrying about the cost of the energy bill should not be an issue.

I don’t know what the government plan to do with the Apple windfall but before they fritter it all away on more badly planned projects and cost overruns, maybe they should spare a thought for the sick and the dying. Cancer service providers shouldn’t have to rely on the generosity of our citizens.

Long flights and beastly dangers – the price for visiting my family in Oz

My daughter moved to Australia at the start of the year with her husband and three boys. They were fed up with the cost of living and poor services in Ireland and having lived in Oz previously they knew what they were getting into. They decided to give it another go and off they went.

Their initial plan was to return home after a couple of years, but that conversation changed almost as quickly as it began. Soon there was talk of three years, then three or four years and I reckon it would be foolish to bet on either.

And that’s fine. Sure, we miss watching the grand children grow up but it’s great to see them all enjoying the quality-of-life Australia has to offer. Vicki and Ian both have good jobs, the children are in good schools, and they live in a nice neighbourhood.

Cooper, the ten-year-old, has already developed an Aussie accent and as an outdoors, sporty kind of guy, he couldn’t be in a better place. The kids have built up a good social network with lots of school mates and friends and they’re happy so it’s all good. Well, maybe not completely.

Australia couldn’t be further away. It’s literally at the opposite side of the world and there is no easy way to get there, unless you can afford to fly business class. For the rest of us, it’s a hard slog no matter how you go about it.

I’ve made that journey a couple of times already and I swore I would never do a long-haul flight again. We had a stopover in Singapore after being in the air for what seemed like an eternity, but we were still only halfway there, and I was already exhausted. 

My mother loved flying. It was part of her holiday, and she took those journeys in her stride. As far as I’m concerned, long-haul travelling is a nightmare but now I have to face it again if I want to see the family.

I did suggest to my wife that maybe facetime is just as good and that making that woeful journey was unnecessary, but the look I got told me the topic was not up for discussion. So, we’re off.

Off to a country where even after you arrive you can’t relax because there is no shortage of creatures that want to bite, sting or eat you. Jeremy Clarkson was writing about the wildlife in Australia recently, and he said you only have a 50-50 chance of surviving a trip to the bottom of the garden.

Just to remind us of that, Vicki sent a video of a large snake making its way across the top of her garden fence and another photo of a Huntsman spider wandering around the house.

Some spiders are poisonous and can hide in your shoes, so you have to make sure there’s nothing in there before you put them on. You don’t have to worry about finding a Huntsman in your shoes though, because they’re big enough to wear them. They’re enormous.

On a previous visit, I unknowingly went for a swim in a part of the ocean that was inhabited by a few sharks who were, as it turned out, not that far away from me. I still shiver at the thought of it, but Australians have a more relaxed approach to dealing with critters. Their advice for anyone encountering a shark is to swim away from the pointy end.

Aussies must have good survival techniques though because I came across a report on the Internet that suggested Australians on average, are living longer than previous generations.

A new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare explored trends in Australia’s increasing life expectancy and found that over the last fifty years, life expectancy there has increased by 13.7 years for males (to 81.3) and by 11.2 years for females (to 85.4). It has increased at a rate of 3 months per year since the start of the 20th century.

Australia has one of the highest life expectancies in the world ranking fifth among 38 other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Japan is at the top closely followed by Switzerland, Korea and Spain.

The increased life expectancy is largely attributed to an active outdoor lifestyle, lower rates of smoking and drug abuse, improved medical knowledge and technology, health care availability such as the widespread accessibility to antibiotics and vaccines, improved living conditions and an overall better quality of life.

They don’t seem to take life too seriously either which probably helps but there’s some good news for us on this side of the world too.

A piece in the Irish Examiner suggested that a typical Mediterranean diet could lower the risk of dementia by almost a quarter. Even for people who are genetically more predisposed to developing dementia, a diet of seafood, wholegrains, nuts, fruits and vegetables reduces the likelihood of developing it, researchers have said.

Apparently, eating more fish and olive oil and less processed food, sugary food and red meat, could help to reduce the risk.

Other new research suggests that exercising between 7am and 9am may be the key to weight management. Although evidence regarding optimal timing of physical activity has been controversial, a study has found the start of the day appears to be the best time to enhance the positive impact of daily physical activity on obesity.

So, there you have it. If you want to live long, healthy, dementia free lives with lean bodies, move to Australia but stick to a Mediterranean diet and get up every morning at 7am and go for a run. Be careful where you exercise though because there’s a bunch of beasties just waiting to cut your life short.